What should employers be doing during their employee's probationary period?
The first part of probation should always be an induction. Inductions aren't just for the first day of employment - the length of induction depends on the size of your business and the type of role. Inductions usually include basic health and safety information about the workplace, an introduction to key people within the business, and information that will help the employee find their way around and settle in. The induction process can be used to communicate general information to all new starters, regardless of role.
After the induction is training relevant to the individual's job. Whilst the employee should have the skills required to do the job, they may not be familiar with the equipment or software that you use of your methods of working. Take the time to show them exactly what you want them to do and how you want them to do it.
The induction and training process can take anywhere from 1-2 months to fully complete, depending on the job role.
Evaluation & Assessment
After training has been completed, the employee should be given some time to get to work and the employer should assess them as they go.
Assessments and probationary reviews should happen regularly during the probationary period. How regularly reviews happen is up to the employer, but it's typical to do a review at 1, 3 and 6 months.
Reviews are an important part of managing the employee's performance; good or bad, feedback drives performance and engagement. Plus, if you never tell your employee they're making mistakes or not performing as you would like, how will they ever know?
Reviews should be structured and assess things like job performance, attendance, punctuality, teamwork and adherence to company policies and procedures.
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